Saturday, September 22, 2012

Personal Learning Networks

As I was looking at different blogs for this week, I came across one of the 2011 edublog winners.  A Principal’s Reflections is written by Eric Sheninger, a high school administrator from Bergen County, New Jersey, to share his views on educational leadership, effective technology integration, best practices, and creating a student-centered learning culture.  He also documents his journey to becoming a connected learner, leader, and educator.  Not only does the blog provide amazing resources, ideas, and reflections for educators, but it is also an example of how to become more connected and incorporate technology in an effective and useful way.  I particularly enjoyed his post 'Connectedness as the Standard', about Professional Learning Networks and the importance of being connected.  

Wikipedia defines Personal Learning Network (PLN) as an informal learning network that consists of the people a learner interacts with and derives knowledge from in a personal learning environment. In a PLN, a person makes a connection with another person with the specific intent that some type of learning will occur because of that connection.  On Principal Sheninger’s blog, I found his great overview of a PLN as well.  Now, the connections in a PLN are not only face-to-face.  With technology available today, this network also includes ways that we can engage through technology.  It seems like in a world that has so much to offer and that is changing so rapidly, creating your own PLN is a way to control all of these resources and information in a personal way that is most beneficial to the individual learner.  This also reminded me of the video we watched last week, The Networked Student, which I think is really a way to help students incorporate what they are learning into their own PLN.  As we have all learned in our education classes, tailoring your teaching to meet the needs of each student is critical.  This seems like an amazing way to be able to do this.  

Interestingly, after doing some research, it seems that the major book that has been written on the subject was co-authored by Will Richardson, the author of our textbook.  

I’m really excited about this idea and look forward to undertaking the adventure of creating my own Personal Learning Network!


  1. You chose to comment on a post on a very important topic. In that post there were also a lot of insights in the 18+ comments including your own.

  2. I agree! I got many good ideas from the comments as well.
